Help out a Mav Donate Today

Help out a Mav and Donate Today!

Help us to Help a Mav!  Why is donating to the Marshall Education Foundation important?  What does that money go for?  How does it help our community?  I’m so glad you asked.  Dr. Jerry Gibson shares about the importance of funding for the Marshall Education Foundation and the Teacher Education Grants that make up the largest bulk of our annual giving.  A few of Marshall’s teachers also share about the grants they have received in the past and speak to what that money means for them, their classrooms and most importantly the children of Marshall ISD.

Would you consider Donating Today to the Marshall Education Foundation to make a better tomorrow for our students today?


Click to Donate Securely via PayPal online today!

  • What is the Money For?

  • To Turn Great Ideas into Reality

  • Empower Teachers so they may Empower our Children

  • To Encourage and Motivate New Leaders

  • Create a Positive Learning Environment 

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